Entries Tagged 'governance' ↓
August 19th, 2009 — architecture, governance
Dion Hinchcliffe has written a nice blog entry “pragmatic new models for enterprise architecture take shape“. This resonates well with some of the things I’ve been saying about how enterprise architecture needs to be enabling rather than blocking:
“In recent years enterprise architecture has been moving from a discipline that provides top-down, a priori technology blueprints to the business side to one that articulates key, strategic possibilities and only the most critical high-level constraints (such as security standards) and then operates as a conductor, promoter, problem solver, and evangelist across the organization through the vehicle of a cohesive community to co-develop needed solutions.”
(my emphasis added). And:
“Invariably, the best architecture I see comes naturally from self-organizing thought leaders in an organization that seek each other out and collaborate on common solutions to their problems. Rather than the us vs. them mentality of old-world enterprise architecture, there is only an us mentality. Instead of prescribed standards, designs, technologies, and tools there is real [two-way] consensus and immediate buy-in.”
And as with all Dion’s posts there is the cool graphic. I especially like the two downward facing arrows – “community leadership” and “guides”:

The article is well worth reading but I think there is a large element of wishful thinking here. It paints a good picture of how enterprise architecture should be, but I fear we are a long way from this nirvana. Much of the vision depends on a fundamental change in organizational culture. Businesses that recognise the value of an “emergent culture” will naturally have an “emergent enterprise architecture.” I don’t think it will go the other way around. Emergent enterprise architecture will not survive in or be able to change a top-down corporation.
In the long term, those companies with the right culture will support emergent enterprise architecture and thrive on IT success. Those companies that don’t will cede their IT resources to others. Those who can do IT will do it on behalf of those who can’t. Cloud anyone?
December 10th, 2008 — governance
I have long held the belief that governance is more about effective communication than anything else. To quoth my own horn:
…what is needed is a shared understanding of the architecture principles, frameworks, standards and best practices used within your organisation for providing and consuming Services.
How do you ensure that this shared understanding is
a) communicated effectively,
b) understood and
c) implemented by all.
A corollary of this view is that any governance tools ought to support this communication as their primary function. I’ve often thought that a wiki would make a pretty good governance tool. Good to see that Martin Fowler agrees. He describes an interesting “Human centric registry” based on a wiki with just enough automation to remove the drudgery. Martin describes the principles of the registry as:
- People develop and use services, so orient it around people
- Don’t expect people to enter stuff to keep it up to date, people are busy enough as it is.
- Make it easy for people to read and contribute.
(sorry UDDI, thank you for playing).
February 13th, 2008 — governance, soa
SOA Talk ask if there is a better term than “SOA Governance”. The “Big Brother” connotations of SOA Governance have bothered me for a while but I don’t think there is a need for new terminology.
At design time, what is needed is a shared understanding of the architecture principles, frameworks, standards and best practices used within your organisation for providing and consuming Services.
How do you ensure that this shared understanding is
a) communicated effectively,
b) understood and
c) implemented by all.
This goes way beyond technology solutions and encompasses the overall development culture. Tools can help – but they should be an enabling framework rather than an enforcing roadblock.
Update: Todd Biske has recently also blogged about the relationship between governance, tools and culture (here and here).
January 7th, 2008 — governance, it-management, soa
Following from my last entry on metrics I do think it is important for metrics to be used to monitor and demonstrate continuous improvement as part of an SOA initiative (or any IT initiative, for that matter).
Key metrics should be built into your SOA organizational infrastructure so that they are maintained and reported as a by-product of your day-to-day SOA activities. So even though I don’t believe there is (currently) any absolute measure of SOA success, what is important is the relative measure and how that changes over time – “am I getting better at this?”
So what are some good metrics? ROI is the most fundamental metric. The reason we embark on an SOA and the reason that the business pays for it is to improve the bottom line – make IT more cost effective and more responsive to business needs. ROI is important to your CEO, your CFO, your CIO and your shareholders. The problem with ROI is that it can be difficult to measure…especially when dealing with less tangible measures such as opportunity cost around time-to-market (agility). What we need are some good proxies for ROI which can be easily measured on a day-to-day basis.
Cost to build a new service is a good metric. If services are provisioned as a project, then it should be relatively easy to measure the total cost of delivering a new service to the business. You should normalise this metric against the complexity of a service. Split services into simple, intermediate and complex if that makes sense. The total cost per new service should decrease over time.
Elapsed time to build a new service is also a good metric to monitor agility. This is a simple form of Nick Malik’s agility metric. Basically we want to ensure that we are delivering new services faster by leveraging off our SOA infrastructure. One of the commonest complaints I hear from businesses everywhere is that IT takes too long to deliver. As with the cost metric, you probably want to normalise against the complexity of a service in some way.
Service utilization is another good measure. Once a service is provisioned, how many business processes make use of that service? What is the daily throughput for the service? These can be objectively measured by service monitoring tools. But note that counting business processes requires some thought to meta-data in your service infrastructure.
Services with a high utilization will indicate what is of most value to your organization. Conversely, services with a low utilization may indicate a low value service or a function which shouldn’t have been made into a service in the first place. Perhaps your governance processes around service identification and prioritization could be improved here. Alternatively, services that used to have high utilization and now have low utilization may indicate obsolescence where it makes sense to retire that service.
Average cost per service, Delivery time for a Service and Service Utilization are easily measured, fundamental metrics for your SOA. There are other SOA costs that should also be accounted for.
Average cost to run a service is important. Add up the BAU costs (hardware, software, maintenance, monitoring, administration, power consumption etc) of your services infrastructure and divide by the number of services you are running. This measure will often be high when you start out and have few services, but should reduce over time.
Governance cost should also be tracked. What is the cost of the governance processes that you put in place to evaluate service candidates, prioritize and plan your services road-map. Usually this cost is made up of time and effort for the people involved in SOA governance. The governance cost per service will initially be high, but should hopefully reduce over time. [This raises an interesting question…how do you measure the effectiveness of governance in order to justify the additional cost? It is difficult to separate out the contribution of governance to the overall SOA benefits.]
These measures can be combined to give an overall ROI index for your SOA. If you can estimate the total business value of your processes and divide by the total cost of the services that support those processes, then you get an aggregate ROI measure
Finally a warning to be careful about how you define a service for inclusion into these metrics. True re-usable services come with a higher price-tag in terms of planning, governance and infrastructure, but the idea is that re-use amortizes the cost over multiple business processes ending up with a positive ROI for the service. There are probably many integration points/projects which do not justify treatment as a re-usable service. These “point integrations” should not be included in the SOA metrics because you are not comparing like for like.