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April 28th, 2009 — architecture, soa
In my opinion, coupling is the most fundamental attribute of a system architecture and tight coupling is probably the most common architectural problem I see in distributed systems. The manner in which system components interact can be a chief determinant of the scalability and reliability of the final system.
So I really like Ian Robinson’s post on Temporal and Behavioural Coupling where he uses two coupling dimensions and the inevitable magic quadrant to classify systems based on their degree of temporal and behavioural coupling.
See Ian’s post for the slick professional graphics, but to summarise – event-oriented systems with low coupling occupy the “virtuous” third quadrant of the matrix. Conversely the brittle “3-tier” applications that many of us struggle with, occupy the “evil” first quadrant where coupling in both dimensions is high.
However I’m a little miffed to see no mention of my favourite “document-oriented message” in Ian’s diagram. As Bill Poole writes; document messages have lower behavioural coupling than command messages, but more than event messages. So would you put document-oriented messages near the middle top of the matrix between command-oriented and event-oriented messages? Unfortunately that would break the symmetry. But it also highlights another problem.
Any type of message – document, command or event-oriented could temporally be tightly or loosely coupled. Temporal coupling is more a property of the message transport than of the message type. So I suggest that the two coupling dimensions are characterised as follows:
- Temporal coupling – characterised by message transport from RPC (tight coupling) through to MOM (loose coupling).
- Behavioural coupling – characterised by the message type from event-oriented (tight) through document-oriented to event-oriented (loose).
It so happens that distributed 3-tier systems generally employ both command-oriented messages and RPC transports – hence making them inherently “evil”. Whereas events (being asynchronous) are naturally virtuous by typically being carried over MOM transports (it’s difficult to request an event notification).
Between heaven and hell, it is in the murky mortal realms of SOA where we need to be constantly mindful of the interactions between message type and transport – lest our system ends up in limbo.
November 6th, 2008 — soa
The Gartner 2008 SOA User Survey is a good read with some surprising insights into SOA adoption.
One interesting development is that the rate of SOA adoption has slowed in 2008. About half of respondents last year who were planning SOA adoption, now have no plans for SOA adoption. The two main reasons for not pursuing SOA are a lack of SOA expertise, and the perceived lack of a business case. These reasons may be correlated in the sense that lack of SOA expertise makes it difficult to build an SOA business case. But the fundamental conclusion is that SOA doesn’t make sense for everybody.
SOA Adoption shows considerable geographic disparity. Europe has almost universal adoption (70% currently using), followed by North America (55% currently using) then Asia (25% currently using). The majority of organizations in Asia have no plans to adopt SOA. The report doesn’t really analyse why Asia has such low SOA adoption. My guess would be a combination of factors including lack of SOA expertise in the region, the characteristics of Asian companies being late technology adopters and the preponderance of manufacturing in the region which the survey shows has overall low SOA adoption compared with other sectors.
Organisation size correlates strongly with SOA adoption and the range of SOA deployment. There is a sweet spot for mid-size companies with current SOA adoption high in companies with employees between 1000 and 10,000. Large companies obviously struggle with the governance processes required to adopt SOA enterprise wide.
A big surprise for me was the correlation between SOA adoption and primary development language. Forty percent of current SOA adopters use Microsoft .NET. There is also a clear trend over the last 3 years away from Java toward Microsoft .NET and “other” languages such as dynamic languages. Correlation doesn’t mean causality so there is a lot of wiggle room in how you interpret this but clearly there is a move away from Java for SOA development. Harkening back to the COM/CORBA wars of the 90’s one of the key factors was that the Microsoft development environment made COM so easy to develop versus the complexities and diversities of CORBA that eventually COM came to dominate the component world. Is history repeating itself?
Web Services are the dominant SOA model, but a significant minority uses POX and REST approaches. About one third of existing SOA adopters already use or are planning to adopt EDA. The report also claims significant plans for WOA adoption, but I’m not convinced by the data. An eyeball comparison between Figure 14 (current WOA adoption) and Figure 15 (planned WOA adoption) doesn’t show a great deal of difference to me, except for Figure 15 looking a little more “peaky” around the 50% mark. So WOA adoption will increase, but I’m not convinced the data shows this is “dramatic” as stated in the key findings of the report.
May 17th, 2008 — soa
A little while ago I expressed my dislike for the term WOA on the grounds that it refers to a style of SOA and my feeling that new TLAs just lead to more confusion. Its good to see the ZapThink guys are in full agreement and state their case in their trademark inimitable style.
While the WOA concept does indeed provide deeper insights into how to best implement a Service and create an infrastructural approach for scaling Services, we simply don’t see a need to identify this as a truly separate architectural approach…
ZapThink believes that the term Web-Oriented SOA represents greater clarity than WOA, since it disambiguates the desire to position WOA as an alternative to SOA as well as more accurately positions the concept at a lower level of abstraction than the SOA concept. Going forward, hence, we will prefer the term Web-Oriented SOA over WOA, since it provides greater clarity. And clarity is exactly what companies today need to make SOA a reality.
My emphasis added – hear hear!
But I still have a problem with this terminology. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue and the use of “oriented” twice in the same term is really ugly. Moreover, we’re still mixing two levels of abstraction into the same term.
“Web Oriented” is a reference to the style of implementation of the Services which comprise the SOA. So wouldn’t it be better to use the terminology “Web Oriented Services”?
To take it a step further, I think we can do better than “Web Oriented” in categorizing the Service implementation. The two main Service implementation patterns that we have in the current debate are implementations based on Web Services standards (ws-*) and those based on REST. A key differentiator between these implementation styles is that Web Services are based on an “interface description” of the service, whereas REST is based on a “resource” as the key entity that we operate on.
Hence I propose the terminology “Interface-Based Services” to refer to the ws-* Service implementations and “Resource-Based Services” to refer to Services implemented in a RESTful manner.
So at the top of the ontology we have SOA – our architecture comprised of Services as first-order citizens. Those Services may in turn be Interface-Based or Resource-Based in their implementation. Note that an SOA could quite easily comprise a combination of Resource-Based and Interface-Based Services.
I think this nomenclature is clearer…but it won’t catch on because these are not TLAs!
May 1st, 2008 — soa
In “Web 2.0 success stories driving WOA and informing SOA”, Dion Hinchcliffe writes about how enterprise SOA can learn from the successes of Web2.0 and WOA*.
“…since there’s little question that the core ideas behind SOA seem to be the right ones. Rather, it’s been how we’ve gone about designing and implementing SOAs that appears to be at the crux of the issue. As we look at the most successful examples of SOA actually working, we keep being drawn back to the Web itself.”
Along the way Dion points out a couple of differences between the Web and the enterprise which I think are pretty salient and underscore the issue that its not the technology that divides the two hemispheres of the service-oriented world.
“One big issue…is that enterprises are often very much unlike the Web. Many of the aspects that make the Web successful…just don’t exist in the enterprise with it’s wilderness of relational databases, proprietary applications, and silos of every description, despite some success in adding a traditional SOA layer on them.
The article Dion references in the last quote has this great summary graphic:
But in addition to the technical differences between the Web and the Enterprise, I think it is worth mentioning some fundamental cultural differences:
- The participants: When it comes to Web APIs that have been so successful, the conversation is basically between technologists. By-and-large it is technologists that are writing the mashups that demonstrate the success of Web2.0. Conversely with SOA in the enterprise, the conversation is (supposed to be) between technologists and business – and plenty has been written about the lack of success there.
- The success criteria: There are different success criteria for Web2.0 versus enterprise SOA. Very few Web2.0 companies currently make money out of their APIs. Success for Web2.0 is “eyeballs” and VC funding. In the enterprise, SOA success is all about hard ROI.
- The legacy: Most enterprise services must build on legacy applications, whereas Web2.0 applications are mostly greenfields and purpose built for the Web. Legacy applications rarely expose “resources” directly. If you’re lucky, the application exposes API methods which encapsulate an awful lot of business logic around a resource.
- The standards: Also part of the legacy is that WOA is “an emergent set of best practices…not a formal set of standards.” Let’s face it, WS-* are a formal set of standards designed by disparate committees often with competing agendas and ulterior motives. The structure and evolution of these standards has not been optimal for the users.
Fundamentally, I agree that Web2.0 in the enterprise and REST approaches to SOA have a lot of value and can teach us how to do SOA properly. Conversely REST needs to address enterprise concerns more fully. The key is recognizing the commonalities and the differences so that we can hit the sweet spot in between.
* BTW I’m not a big fan of the term WOA to denote “Web Oriented Architecture” or REST-ful approaches to Services. While I understand that distancing REST from WS-* makes good marketing sense, ultimately I think we are all talking about Services – so WOA is really a style of SOA. Jockeying for market position/dominance/discrimination has already got us into such a mess.
April 23rd, 2008 — services, soa
In a recent ThoughtWorks podcast, Jim Webber introduced himself as a “MESTian”. This was a new term for me, so I had to investigate. MEST is a message-centric approach to SOA which resonates strongly with my own views on how services ought to be implemented. The MEST approach is a pragmatic approach to SOA to which I think/hope Web Services are evolving naturally. Therefore I agree with Neil Ward-Dutton that we don’t really need to coin a new term (MEST). This is really just Web Services “done properly”.
My views on this are a product of my past experience with MOM-based distributed computing. My earlier description of an ESB is based on a MOM approach and probably differs from the common perception of a “black box” ESB. The MEST approach would be very natural to people with an MQ, Rendezvous or JMS background…which is probably the minority of current SOA practitioners.
About 10 years ago, MOM messages were exchanged between systems using proprietary message representations such as COBOL Copybook or AE-Message formats. Enterprise concerns such as scalability, reliability and fault-tolerance were dealt with using techniques at the messaging level. MOM quality-of-service dealt with guaranteed message delivery and message ordering (in normal cases). Where possible, message endpoints were implemented in a stateless manner to allow for easy failover and load-balancing. This general approach is still valid today…only the message representation has changed.
When XML became more mature and accepted, MOM messages started to be implemented with XML payloads. Even after SOAP became a standard, my experience is that it wasn’t rapidly adopted by the MOM community. Proprietary XML message schemas ruled for a couple of years and SOAP had its initial application in RPC over HTTP implementations. But the great thing about SOAP is that it is a nice generic message envelope that is acceptable by everyone. Put your meta-data into the SOAP header and the payload into the SOAP body. If you didn’t have it, you would have to invent it – and many did. Hence, as a pragmatic approach SOAP was adopted as a generalized envelope over – now – JMS. Add the correct JMS headers and you have SOAP Document Literal Encoding over JMS. Additional standards like WS-Addressing, WS-Security are additional sets of meta-data in the SOAP header with meaning to the endpoints and intermediaries in the message journey. WSDL is simply a way of representing the contract between message producer and consumer. I think this is a relatively natural progression from proprietary MOM to more open mechanisms for message exchange which are compliant with the core Web Services standards.
Contrast this with the original RPC approach to Web Services. SOAP RPC Encoding was the original standard, buried within code generation tools which attempted to hide complexity from the developer. Unfortunately this resulted in Web Services which lacked interoperability and created tight couplings between provider and consumer. Moreover, the attempt to shield developers from the distributed nature of their services and the underlying transports – all very necessary concerns – led to huge problems with meeting the enterprise requirements for services. This is the experience of most Web Services developers and it is no wonder that Web Services have such a bad reputation. Subsequently, Web Services – SOAP in particular – has moved to more inter-operable approaches through WS-I. But a lot of damage has been done, and the continued tendency to ignore the distributed nature of Web Services continues to cause problems in terms of unrealistic expectations.
So I like the MEST approach and find that it resonates well with the “pragmatic” approach to Web Services via the adoption of SOAP and other WS-* standards by the MOM community. I can summarize this “pragmatic” approach as:
- Transport Independence is a myth. Use the transports for their strengths – JMS for reliability and HTTP for ubiquity.
- Understand the distributed nature of Web Services and use the long history of best practices from distributed computing and Message Oriented Middleware (MOM).
- Understand the standards and how they fit together. Most importantly, know where the holes are.
- Use the standards where they make sense. Augment them with your own enterprise standards and best practices where necessary.
The result will be better confidence and ownership of your SOA infrastructure. You will rule the standards and your tool vendors rather than the other way around. As an added bonus, you get asynchronous services as a natural part of your SOA – an area where the WS-* standards struggle right now.