This is a few months old, but Werner Vogels republishes the Shareholder Letter. A summary of how the quintessential 21st century company views its competitive advantage:
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Distributed state management
- Decision management
Regarding Service Orientation:
Our technologies are almost exclusively implemented as services: bits of logic that encapsulate the data they operate on and provide hardened interfaces as the only way to access their functionality. This approach reduces side effects and allows services to evolve at their own pace without impacting the other components of the overall system. Service-oriented architecture — or SOA — is the fundamental building abstraction for Amazon technologies. Thanks to a thoughtful and far-sighted team of engineers and architects, this approach was applied at Amazon long before SOA became a buzzword in the industry. Our e-commerce platform is composed of a federation of hundreds of software services that work in concert to deliver functionality ranging from recommendations to order fulfillment to inventory tracking. For example, to construct a product detail page for a customer visiting, our software calls on between 200 and 300 services to present a highly personalized experience for that customer.