AWS PubSub

AWS is the latest to the join the cloud pub/sub hubbub with the (beta) launch of its Simple Notification Service. I took it for a spin this morning while waiting for my flight.

Once I signed up for the service in my AWS account, it was a simple matter of opening up the AWS Console and selecting the SNS tab.

You create a topic (I called mine “MyPersonalTweeter”).

Then create a subscription.

Subscribers can be HTTP/HTTPS WebHooks, or an email address or an SQS queue. I selected email.

AWS sends a confirmation to the nominated email address (damn, there go the SPAM opportunities).

Then just publish a message to the topic consisting of a subject and a message body (for some reason my first message never arrived, so I’m showing message number two sent later that day).

Digging a bit deeper, topics have policies which allow reasonably fine-grained control over who can publish and subscribe to your topic.


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